Accueil Faits Divers Kanye West dit à GQ qu’il prévoit de voter pour Trump en 2020

Kanye West dit à GQ qu’il prévoit de voter pour Trump en 2020

par James Fleurissaint
1 minutes lire

2020-04-18|SAFETYPROMO |8h56

Rapper Kanye West revealed that he plans on voting for President Donald Trump’s re-election in 2020 in a new interview.apper Kanye West revealed that he plans on voting for President Donald Trump’s re-election in 2020 in a new interview.
Speaking with Speaking with GQ,GQ,West said that even though he did not vote in 2016 (as he told a San Jose audience during his West said that even though he did not vote in 2016 (as he told a San Jose audience during his Saint Pablo Saint Pablo tour), he would vote for Trump in 2020. West said that he planned on voting for Trump, and wouldn’t listen to people who told him not to.tour), he would vote for Trump in 2020. West said that he planned on voting for Trump, and wouldn’t listen to people who told him not to..

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